Cold Brew Zubereiter Test 2018

How to brew an ice(d) coffee?


At a glance

  • Amount of coffee
    38 g
  • Grind
  • Amount of water
    300 ml
  • Temperature
    96 °C
  • Brewing time
    3 - 5 min

What you need:

You can prepare refreshing and fruity Ice Brew with our instructions and without much effort at home – without adding vanilla ice cream and cream. Perfect for those hot days when you don’t want to miss your coffee. What’s so great about it? Easy preparation, great result.

What is Ice Brew anyway?

Ice Brew is prepared in exactly the same way as filter coffee. The only difference is that the amount of water is divided into 50% water and 50% ice during preparation and a slightly finer grind is used. The filtered hot coffee drips directly onto ice. As the coffee cools quickly, the extraction of bitter compounds is reduced, preventing the strong bitter taste of the commonly known „cold coffee“. Ice Brew retains the fresh and fruity taste of hot brewed coffee while leading to superior refreshment in summer.

In contrast, only cold water is used in the preparation of Cold Brew. The coffee is extracted over several hours and tastes wonderfully fruity and mild. Click here for the instructions.

☝️ We will show you how to prepare ice brew with the Chemex. The principle can be easily transferred to any other preparation method. Below you will find recipes for AeroPress and hand filter.

Ice Brew Guide

For a deliciously fruity Ice Brew from the Chemex, use 38 g of freshly ground coffee to 300 ml of hot water and 300 g of ice cubes.

1For a deliciously fruity Ice Brew from the Chemex, use 38 g of freshly ground coffee to 300 ml of hot water and 300 g of ice cubes.

Make sure to use a medium to slightly finer grind. The optimum extraction time is 3 to 5 minutes. If the coffee is ground too finely, the coffee will flow off slowly and too many bitter substances will be dissolved in the coffee: an over-extraction.

2Make sure to use a medium to slightly finer grind. The optimum extraction time is 3 to 5 minutes. If the coffee is ground too finely, the coffee will flow off slowly and too many bitter substances will be dissolved in the coffee: an over-extraction.

Rinse your filter paper with hot water as usual to remove the slight inherent taste of the paper and pour the water away. Then add 300 g of ice cubes to the carafe and replace the filter.

3Rinse your filter paper with hot water as usual to remove the slight inherent taste of the paper and pour the water away. Then add 300 g of ice cubes to the carafe and replace the filter.

Fill the ground coffee into the damp paper filter and brew your coffee with 300 ml of hot water as usual with the Chemex. The direct contact with the ice cubes cools the filter coffee quickly and removes its bitter substances.

4Fill the ground coffee into the damp paper filter and brew your coffee with 300 ml of hot water as usual with the Chemex. The direct contact with the ice cubes cools the filter coffee quickly and removes its bitter substances.

By mixing hot water and ice cubes, the coffee retains its usual flavor while providing a pleasant refreshment. And your Ice Brew is ready!

5By mixing hot water and ice cubes, the coffee retains its usual flavor while providing a pleasant refreshment. And your Ice Brew is ready!

Everything you need for Ice Brew

Chemex coffee carafe For up to 6 cups
Chemex coffee carafe
For up to 6 cups
Chemex filter for 6, 8 and 10 cup carafe White / Square
Chemex filter for 6, 8 and 10 cup carafe
White / Square
Porlex II Hand Coffee Grinder Mini
Porlex II Hand Coffee Grinder
Rungeto Coffee 250 g / Whole Beans
Rungeto Coffee
Lively | Currant, Rhubarb
Roast Degree

In the video we show you how easily you can prepare Ice Brew at home.

Ice Brew with the AeroPress

What you need:

  • 100 g ice
  • 16 g coffee (fine to medium ground)
  • 100 ml water

The paper filter is first rinsed with a hot water. 16 g of ground coffee is then placed in the AeroPress and half of the hot water is poured in. The mixture should first be stirred so that the coffee can be evenly distributed in the water. The remaining water is added, the paper filter and the sieve are attached and the whole thing is turned upside down. Due to the vacuum created in the AeroPress, the water is carried and drips only slightly. Now the AeroPress can be slowly pressed through and the coffee drips into a jug full of ice. The Ice Brew is ready!

Aerobie AeroPress coffee maker incl. 100 filters Dark
Aerobie AeroPress coffee maker incl. 100 filters

Ice Brew with the hand filter

What you need

  • 250 g ice
  • 32 g coffee (fine to medium grind)
  • 250 ml water

The paper filter is first rinsed with hot water and the hot water is poured away. The Hario V60 filter, together with the paper filter, is placed on a jar as desired and filled with the ground coffee. Moisten the ground coffee with a little hot water. Here you can observe how the powder begins to expand. After about 30 seconds you can pour the remaining water into the funnel. After 250 ml of hot water has dripped through the filter, you can remove the filter and enjoy your iced coffee.

Hario V60 Coffee Dripper - Ceramic White / For 2-3 cups
Hario V60 Coffee Dripper - Ceramic
White / For 2-3 cups

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