Coffee Circle Foundation e.V.
The Coffee Circle Foundation e.V. is an integral part of our company. It is the catalyst for positive and long-term change in coffee communities and a central component of the projects we implement with partners worldwide. The Coffee Circle Foundation e.V. is funded by Coffee Circle’s coffee sales and additional grants to which we apply.
How we create impact

Impact through direct trade: access to the market and higher income secure the livelihood of producers
We source our coffee directly from producers. We pay high prices for the world’s best coffees. We treat people as we would like to be treated, with respect for everyone. We maintain open, honest, and transparent communication with our partners. Through higher wages, transparency, and partnerships, we create a better starting point for coffee farmers. Standard labels such as Fairtrade do not meet our requirements.

Impact through projects in 3 core areas to improve the livelihoods of coffee producers
We invest a fixed amount of € 1 per kilogram of coffee sold in projects in the growing regions. We focus our projects and initiatives in the areas of health (foremost WaSH:Water, Sanitation, Hygiene), education, sustainable coffee cultivation, fair supply chains and climate resilience for a more sustainable coffee industry. Our goal is to secure the lives of coffee farmers and their families for generations to come.
We decide on our investments together with farmers and their communities. Local partners carry out implementation. That way, we empower the communities and strengthen their ownership. We start where the need is.
Why we focus in these three pillars

Around 30% of the population in Ethiopia live below the absolute poverty line (Oxfam 2023). The illiteracy rate is over 54% (DVV International 2023). Our measures to promote education aim to improve the teaching conditions of children in rural coffee regions and to support them on their way to a basic education and their first school-leaving certificate. This opens up the opportunity for them to attend secondary school and develop prospects for vocational qualification.

The Ethiopian health system shows drastic deficiencies. Our health projects aim to improve drinking water, sanitation and medical (primary) care in the coffee cooperatives. The lack of awareness of health and hygiene issues is responsible for many serious diseases and high child mortality rates. In Ethiopia, we have been implementing WaSH (Water, Sanitation, Hygiene) projects since 2015 to counteract this.

Sustainable coffee farming
We support farmers and cooperative structures in achieving higher income in the long term and in investing in sustainable forms of cultivation. Traditional forms of cultivation are to be promoted, deforestation avoided and ecological principles anchored in the production process. In addition to the ecological component, we are also involved in the area of knowledge and technology transfer and support cooperatives through training and improved equipment to produce higher quality coffee, enabling them to achieve higher yields for their coffee – independently of us.

Our work in figures
Since the foundation of Coffee Circle and the associated Coffee Circle Foundation e.V., we have invested 2.5 million euros through the generated donations of coffee sales. In addition, 2 million Euros have been invested 100 % through BMZ grants and other donations in the same projects.
Through this investment, more than 1 million people have benefited to date from our commitment, the hard work of the Foundation, and partners like Welthungerhilfe who support us on the ground.
Dive deep into our work
Be part of our impact: Apply for the Coffee Vision Fund 1
For the first time, the Coffee Circle Foundation e.V. announces the Coffee Vision Fund I, an initiative endowed with 500,000 euros to support coffee producers and coffee-growing regions worldwide. The focus will be on projects and initiatives in the areas of WaSH, education, sustainable coffee cultivation, fair supply chains and climate resilience for a more sustainable coffee industry. You can apply for this now and together we will increase our impact.
Please note: The request for proposal is officially close and we no longer accept proposals from December 19th 2023 onwards. We will contact the shortlisted candidates by mid January 2024. Thank you for your kind understanding and participation.