5 einfache Rezepte für Kaffee-Cocktails zum Selbermachen

9 simple recipes for coffee cocktails to prepare at home

Die Redaktion

A contribution from Die Redaktion in the category #Recipes from 17 August 2020

Cocktails with coffee? It may sound strange at first but we’re on to something really delicious! Here you’ll find 9 recipes for your next party! We’ve even thought of the driver who can take your tipsy friends home. Cheers!

All our coffee cocktails are based on different cold brews – these are coffees prepared with cold water and steeped for several hours. As a result, the coffee develops particularly intense aromas and few bitter substances. If you want to learn more, take a look at our step-by-step instructions.

The Cold- and Ice Brew techniques have inspired us to create our own coffee liqueur. We will show you how to do this and what you can do with it!

Coffee Bramble

Our absolute favourite! The Coffee Bramble tastes very fruity, pleasantly tangy and is super refreshing – the perfect way to cool off on really hot days.

You need:

  • 6 cl Buna Dimaa Cold Brew
  • 4 cl rum
  • 3 cl freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 2 cl sugar syrup
  • 5 – 6 Blackberries
  • Crushed ice
  • Copper cup or a vessel of your choice
  • Mint and halved blackberries to garnish


First put the blackberries in the copper cup and crush them with a pestle. Add all the other ingredients and stir until everything is well combined. Add some crushed ice and fold in with a spoon, this way you cool your drink. Then fill the copper cup completely with crushed ice and carefully fold in again. As a garnish, add a halved blackberry and lightly whip some mint on the back of the hand – this will allow the essential oils of the mint to unfold.

5 einfache Rezepte für Kaffee-Cocktails zum Selbermachen

Coffee Sour

With the Coffee Sour you can impress your friends not only with the look – not too sweet, not too sour, not too tangy. A must-have for your summer party!

You need:

  • 6 cl Sidamo Cold Brew
  • 4 cl Bourbon Whiskey
  • 2 cl Cointreau
  • 3 cl freshly squeezed orange juice
  • 3 cl freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 cl sugar syrup
  • Orange zest
  • Ice cube
  • Champagne bowl or glass of your choice
  • Shaker (if you do not have one, you can use a sealable, thick-walled glass)


Put all ingredients into the shaker, fill it up with plenty of ice cubes and shake vigorously for 15 – 20 seconds so that everything combines well. Strain the drink through a tea strainer into a pre-cooled champagne bowl and peel an orange zest with the help of a peeler. Squeeze the zest over the Coffee Sour and spread it over the edge of the glass to distribute the essential oils.

5 einfache Rezepte für Kaffee-Cocktails zum Selbermachen

Coffee Gin Tonic

A classic with a difference! Besides the tangy notes of coffee, the homemade honey syrup gives this version of the Gin Tonic a spicy-sweet twist.

You need:

  • 5 cl Sidamo Cold Brew
  • 4 cl London Dry Gin (we use Tanqueray)
  • 2 cl (homemade) honey syrup
  • Approx. 10 cl filler: classic tonic water (we use Fever Tree Indian Tonic Water)
  • Ice cube
  • Lemon zests
  • Glass of your choice


To make the honey syrup, simply boil the desired amount of honey with the same amount of water in a pot while stirring constantly so that the honey dissolves well – let it cool down, fill it up and you’re done!

Pour the honey syrup and gin into a long drink glass and stir until the two have combined well. Add a few ice cubes and, depending on the size of the glass, fill up with 100 – 150 ml of tonic water. If you pour the Cold Brew slowly, you can layer („float“) it wonderfully on top of the drink. Finally, peel off a lemon zest with a peeler, squeeze it over the gin and tonic and add it to the drink.

5 einfache Rezepte für Kaffee-Cocktails zum Selbermachen

Coffee Sangria

Big barbecue planned? Don’t worry, this sangria variation is absolutely suitable for festive occasions and can be prepared perfectly in advance, even in large quantities!

You need:

  • 1 l Yirgacheffe Cold Brew
  • 2 limes, cut into slices
  • 2 filleted juice oranges
  • 1 diced green apple
  • 20 cl Silver Tequila (we use Cuervo)
  • 15 cl orange liqueur (we use Cointreau)
  • Approx. 5 cl sugar syrup (depending on your taste)
  • Ice cube
  • Fruits to garnish
5 einfache Rezepte für Kaffee-Cocktails zum Selbermachen


First prepare the Yirgacheffe Cold Brew. For this purpose, add 200 g of coarsely ground Yirgacheffe filter coffee with one litre of water (cold) and leave to brew for 10 – 12 hours. Filter the cold brew, add the fruits and leave to stand in the refrigerator for another 2 – 3 hours. Then remove the fruits, add the alcohol and stir well. Sweeten your sangria with sugar syrup according to your taste. Taste it regularly, as the orange liqueur and the fruits already give the sangria a natural sweetness. Serve well chilled on ice and garnish with some mint and fresh fruit.

Kaffee-Cocktails zum Selbermachen

Driver’s Choice – Coffee Sangria non-alcoholic

For all those who have agreed to be drivers: We don’t want you to miss out, of course. We have created a super fruity Coffee Sangria for you, which tastes really good even without alcohol.

You need:

  • 1 l Hafursa Coffee Cold Brew
  • 200 g quartered fresh strawberries
  • 2 filleted pieces of juicy orange
  • 100 g halved red grapes
  • Approx. 5 cl sugar syrup (depending on your taste)
  • Ice cube
  • Fresh fruits to garnish
  • Glass of your choice
Kaffee-Cocktails zum Selbermachen


First prepare the Hafursa Cold Brew. For this purpose, fill 200 g of coarsely ground Hafursa Coffee with one litre of water (cold) and let it brew for 10 – 12 hours. Filter the cold brew, add the fruits and leave to stand in the refrigerator for another 4 – 6 hours. Then remove the fruits again and sweeten the sangria with sugar syrup as desired. Serve well chilled on ice with fresh fruit and enjoy!

Lady in Black - Homemade coffee liqueur

For the coffee liqueur we have let fifty percent, high-quality vodka (1 l) with 250 g of ground Karibu (grind similar to filter coffee) macerate for a whole 6 hours (this is the technical term for „soaking in alcohol“). Just like you make a simple cold brew. But be careful: Vodka dissolves much more from coffee than water would. So if you like the liqueur milder, you should reduce the time.

Let the coffee steep, then filter slowly and add sugar syrup (20 % of the coffee quantity) to the finished coffee vodka. If necessary, warm it slightly so that the ingredients mix better. Fill and that’s it!

The liqueur was made with the kind support of the bar team of the Lemonadier Bar.

Improved Coffee Tonic

You need:

  • 2 cl coffee liqueur (Karibu)
  • 1 cl cherry liqueur (we use Cherry Heering)
  • 150 ml tonic
  • Sip of strong soda water
  • Ice cube

Place all ingredients except tonic and soda in a highball glass, add ice cubes and pour tonic and soda. Add some orange peel as garnish and stir briefly if necessary. Tastes distinctly like coffee but very light and tangy.

Erfrischender Cocktail mit Kaffee

Café Royal

You need:

  • 1 cl coffee liqueur (caribou)
  • 1 cl dark rum
  • Dry creamer

Shake the liqueur and rum on ice briefly and vigorously. Strain into a champagne glass and pour crémant on top. If you want it really royal, you can also use champagne. Cheers!

Rezeptidee für einen leckeres Kaffeecocktail

East African Planter’s Punch

You need:

  • 5 5 cl Jamaica rum (we use Appleton Estate V/X)
  • 2 cl fresh lemon juice
  • 2 cl fresh grapefruit juice
  • 1 cl sugar syrup
  • 2 cl coffee liqueur (Karibu)
  • Ice cube

Place all ingredients except the coffee liqueur in a shaker and shake vigorously with fresh ice. Strain into a tumbler glass on ice and slowly pour 2 cl coffee liqueur over it. Stir gently, use grapefruit peel for decoration. Done! Tastes fruity and spicy with lots of body thanks to the Jamaica rum.

Rezept für einen Cocktail mit selbstgemachten Kaffeelikör

So, now it’s time to mix drinks – and don’t forget to share your coffee cocktail moments with us. Please mark us on Instagram with @coffeecircle or #coffeecircle.

Have fun mixing and enjoy. Cheers!

Our coffee recommendation for coffee cocktails

Buna Dimaa Coffee 250 g / Whole Beans
Buna Dimaa Coffee
Full-flavoured | Cacao, Roasted Nuts
Roast Degree
Yirgacheffe Coffee 250 g / Whole Beans
Yirgacheffe Coffee
Fruity | Vanilla, Ripe Berries
Roast Degree
Rungeto Coffee 250 g / Whole Beans
Rungeto Coffee
Lively | Currant, Rhubarb
Roast Degree