Buna Dimaa Coffee
Buna Dimaa is our dark filter coffee roasting. The mixture of 50% Ethiopian and 50% Colombian highland Arabica beans results in a full-bodied and strong, yet low-acid filter coffee.
€39.60/kg incl. VAT Delivery 1 to 3 days in 🇩🇪. Free shipping for orders over € 39.
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For fans of strong coffee with a shot of milk
Buna Dimaa is our answer to the desire of many customers for a dark roasted coffee that also brings strong flavors with a shot of milk. It is low in acidity and convinces with nuances of roasted nuts and cocoa – a result of the natural aroma of the coffee cherry.
Preparation tips
We recommend the Buna Dimaa for brewing coffee in fully automatic coffee machines, filter coffee machines or the French Press.

Fresh and gentle roasting in Berlin
Roasting profiles have a specific designation. It describes the color of the roasted bean. The bean appearance of Buna Dimaa is between a so-called Viennese roast and a French roast. This means that the coffee is darker roasted. The distinct roasting aromas that are created in this way produce a strong taste. Our roasting masters roast the Buna Dimaa for about 18 minutes at 225 °C.

Buna Dimaa coffee is also available by subscription
- Automatic delivery to your home
- Adjust or pause at any time
- Can be cancelled at any time
100% natural cultivation
Buna Dimaa is an Arabica blend from two origins, where we buy locally: The Buma Dimaa consists of 50 % Limu coffee from the Ethiopian cooperative Coche Guda. The cooperative has 250 coffee farmer families and is located at 1,725 m above sea level. The coffee is naturally grown in forest gardens and carefully processed by the small farmers.
The other 50 % of the blend comes from. Colombia, from the highlands in the Tolima region. This is the location of the cooperative ASOPEP, which we visited personally and from which we have been buying coffee since 2016 and have been building a long-term trade relationship. ASOPEP consists of 94 farmers who jointly sell their coffee through the cooperative. The coffee tastes nutty, caramel-like and has little acidity.
The cooperative ASOPEP
- Slope: ASOPEP, Tolima, Colombia
- Geo coordinates: 3°08’59.3 „N, 75°39’20.9 „W
- Altitude: 1.700 m
- Coffee farmer: 162
- Plant: Castillo, Caturra, Colombia, Típica (Arabica)
- Processing: washed
- Harvest time: October – February
The cooperative Coche Guda
- Slope: Coche Guda, Limu Region, Ethiopia
- Geo coordinates: 7°52’11.7 „N 36°47’25.7 „E
- Altitude: 1.725 m
- Coffee farmers: 250
- Plant: Ethiopia heirloom Arabica
- Processing: washed
- Harvest time: October – February

Direct trade – on site and at eye level

Clean drinking water for 37,100 people in Ethiopia
With each cup of coffee you support our drinking water projects in the coffee regions.
1163 customer reviews
Für meine Familie ist es der beste…
Für meine Familie ist es der beste Kaffee ☕️ Geschmack und Verträglichkeit.
alles super leckere Kaffees!…grazie
Seit Jahren ist Buna Dimaa unser…
Seit Jahren ist Buna Dimaa unser absoluter Lieblingskaffee. Durch das ganze Sortiment probiert, perfekt ausgewogener Kaffee, der voll unseren Geschmack trifft. Durch den geringen Säureanteil vertrage ich diesen Kaffee - im vergleich zu anderen Sorten- sehr gut!
Geschmack ohne Säure
Toller Geschmack und so säurearm, dass ich ihn auch ohne Milch trinken kann.
Wie immer top!
Super Kaffee, gute Spendenidee
Meine Bewertung eben bezog sich eigentlich auch schon auf den Kaffee, war am Handy für mich wohl zu unübersichtlich. Super Kaffee, tolle Spendenidee, die nicht weh tut, schnelle Lieferung, sehr praktische Verpackung, Nachhaltigkeit ist für mich schwer abschließend zu bewerten, der Kaffee ist aber jeden Cent wert!
Einzigartiger Geschmack
Einzigartiger Geschmack
qualitativ wirklich sehr guter Kaffee!
Nach Hausblend meine Lieblingssorte.
Erstklassiges Produkt
Mild, runder Geschmack, ergiebig! Sehr zu empfehlen!