4 March 2025
Price Adjustment 2025
Due to the increased global market price, we have to adjust our prices starting on March 17, 2025. We want to be transparent with you about the reasons behind this decision.
29 July 2024
Coffee Circle Foundation project selection 2024
16 February 2022
Adjustment of our Coffee Prices
Due to the globally rising coffee prices, we too have to adjust our prices. Here we give an insight into the current situation.
26 October 2020
The new Coffee Circle
After almost 10 years it was time for a change. During the last year we have been working intensely on ourselves and finding answers on who we are and what we want to stand for. Join us on our journey and explore our new logo.
12 June 2020
5 Perks for remote employees
Most employee perks such as free coffee & fresh fruit are only available in the office ► 5 Perks & benefits for employee happiness when working from home.
15 May 2020
5 Tips when you miss your colleagues in home office
82 % say that they miss their colleagues most, while working from home ► These 5 tips will help you stay connected with colleagues while working from home.
4 February 2019
What’s in store for Coffee Circle in 2019? 5 things we may or may not do
What are our plans for this year? In addition to the 11 thoughts about the Specialty Coffee industry, Martin would like to explain our strategy in this fast-paced environment.
1 February 2019
11 thoughts on the Specialty Coffee Industry 2019
Our CEO Martin shares his thoughts on the development of the market, key trends in Specialty Coffee he's seeing, and our strategy within the bigger picture.