Äthiopien 2022

Coffee Circle Foundation project selection 2024


The Coffee Circle Vision Fund

Thanks to the donation of €1 per kilogram of coffee sold, which you support with your purchase from us, we are constantly raising funds in our Coffee Circle Foundation e.V. to support social projects in coffee-growing countries. Our largest project is the WaSH and biodiversity project, which is implemented by our partners in the Limu region of western Ethiopia. We also finance projects in Congo, Kenya and Colombia and support general coffee research by World Coffee Research.

At the end of 2023, we launched the Coffee Circle Vision Fund for the first time with a total budget of €500,000. The call for proposals was aimed at coffee communities in all coffee-growing countries worldwide. The project proposals had to correspond to our values and the three most important criteria in the area of sustainability:

  1. People: Improving livelihoods
  2. Planet: Sustainable use of natural resources
  3. Profit: Shaping the market through advocacy and influence

2. Application and selection process

To get maximum reach into the coffee communities, to handle the applications and make a proper selection, we teamed up again with wonderful Sara and Cristina from our long-term partner Vuna Origin Consulting. All of us were delighted with the high number of projects submitted. We received a total of 116 applications. It was a great success that our call attracted so much interest. The diagram shows an overview of the areas from which the submitted project ideas originate.

In order to evaluate the applications, the following two main criteria were examined in the first step: Firstly, we looked at how well the application strategy aligned with Coffee Circle’s vision and goals. Secondly, we assessed how convincingly the project management was outlined. Particular focus was placed on the following points: the budget size, the expected impact, the number of people reached by the project and the sustainability of the project. After a comprehensive analysis of all applications received, we invited the 12 most promising candidates to individual meetings. The purpose of these meetings was to get to know the partners and their project ideas better and to clarify any open questions. Based on all the information gathered, we finally jointly selected the following six projects.

Project Location Applications

3. The six selected projects

Bean Voyage:

The NGO Bean Voyage supports women farmers in building successful businesses on their own. The motto is „Women Powered Coffee“. The selected female producers go through a multi-stage incubator program. As part of the program, they receive training, access to capital, mentorship and connections to potential buyers. Bean Voyage is currently focusing on Costa Rica and Mexico. Thanks to the support of the Coffee Circle Foundation, Bean Voyage can include more female producers in its program and also expand it to the first region in Colombia.

Bean Voyage

Muraho Trading:

The young coffee company Muraho Trading supports the coffee washing stations of farmers in Rwanda and exports its high-quality coffee. Muraho uses the funds to improve the living conditions of the coffee communities through training, better equipment and sustainable cultivation methods. In addition, tree nurseries are to be established and young coffee plants distributed. Special emphasis is also placed on sustainability. Targeted training in households aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote environmentally friendly cultivation practices.

Muraho Trading

South India Coffee Company (SICC):

SICC operates a fifth-generation coffee farm and acts as a coffee exporter. Its field research into alternative coffee species to Arabica and Robusta is particularly interesting. In view of increasing climate change, these two species could come under pressure, which is why the Excelsa species is a promising alternative. With funding from the Coffee Circle Foundation, SICC plans to intensify this research, select the best varieties of the Excelsa species and commercialize them.

South India Coffee Company

Rebuild Women’s Hope:

This women-led coffee cooperative Rebuild Women’s Hope on Idjwi Island in Lake Kivu in the D.R. Congo produces specialty coffee and empowers women and the living conditions of its members. The region is one of the most dangerous regions in the world for women, as the rate of sexual violence is alarmingly high due to numerous internal conflicts. With the Foundation’s funds, the coffee cooperative aims to promote the autonomy and entrepreneurship of women farmers and to help strengthen women’s rights through educational work.

Council on Smallholder Agricultural Finance (CSAF):

CSAF aims to strengthen the business analysis and price risk management of coffee cooperatives and exporters. CSAF is an alliance of financial institutions working together to build an inclusive and sustainable financial market for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) such as coffee cooperatives and exporters in the agricultural sector in developing countries worldwide. Coffee cooperatives usually have limited tools and resources to manage their price risk, which often leads to low profits or even losses. CSAF has developed an Excel-based tool that makes it easier for cooperatives to manage their price risk and be less dependent on speculation. The Coffee Circle Foundation’s budget will be used to further improve this tool by actively involving the coffee cooperatives in the tool’s revision process. Subsequently, video tutorials and user manuals will be created in several languages to facilitate the use of the tool. Both the tool and the training materials will be made available to the wider coffee sector via the CSAF website.

Lorna Young Foundation (LYF):

The LYF has developed the innovative „Farmers‘ Voice Radio (FVR)“ format. This uses the medium of radio to put the voices of farmers at the heart of local radio programs. With the Foundation’s support, at least 20 organizations will be trained to produce these radio shows. Twelve live radio shows are also planned by 2025, which are expected to reach more than 240,000 listeners.

4. Summary

We are very happy with the selection of these six projects, as all project partners are very passionate about their goals and want to achieve a lot in the coming years, also with the support of the Coffee Circle Foundation. We are looking forward to the progress of the projects and will keep you up to date on progress in our blog, newsletter and on social media.

Coffee Circle Foundation e.V.

With every cup of coffee, you support various projects in the coffee-growing regions.

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