Low Caf Coffee

The term “Low Caf” stands for coffees with a low caffeine levels. Our Low Caf is a blend of a Colombian caffeinated coffee with our decaffeinated Buna Dimaa. This means the coffee remains full-bodied & mild in taste, with a lower caffeine content.


€43.60/kg incl. VAT Delivery 1 to 3 days in 🇩🇪. Free shipping for orders over € 39.

Mild | Dark Caramel, Almond
Roast Degree
100 % Arabica, Single Origin
Bio-Siegel der Europäischen Union
Certified organic by the inspection body DE-ÖKO-001

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With every cup of Coffee Circle coffee, you support our projects in the growing regions. Learn more
Die Chemex-Karaffe ist nicht nur im Design sehr ästhetisch. Der durch die Chemex gefilterte Kaffee hat eine leicht rötliche Farbe und unterstreicht die leicht süßen Nuancen des Kaffees.

Our own creation of a low-caf: full coffee taste with only half the amount of caffeine

Whatever your reasons for wanting to reduce your caffeine intake, to offer you a wider variety of low caffeine coffees, we have developed a „Low Caf“. A coffee blend composed of 50% decaffeinated and 50% caffeinated coffee. The result is a flavour profile that is really close to a caffeinated coffee, but contains just half as much caffeine. You can even enjoy more than a cup!


Preparation tips

The roasting of the Low Caf coffee is adapted to all preparation methods of filter coffee. We recommend it for preparation in the classic coffee machine or for all common Pour Over methods such as with the Hario v60 or the Aeropress. Even as a light espresso you can enjoy this coffee well from the Bialetti stovetop pot or portafilter.

Here you can find our preparation tips ›

Medium-bodied and fresh roast

We roast the Low Caf fresh every week in our roastery in Berlin. Both components of the Low Caf coffee blend are roasted separately and then combined. During roasting, our master roasters pay close attention to the moment at which the sweetness and aroma of the coffee develop optimally. The roasting profile is individually composed by our roast masters depending on the nature of the coffee.

Hannes in der Rösterei


The Low Caf coffee is an Arabica blend from three origins, most of which we personally purchase locally:

The decaffeinated portion is made from our Buna Dimaa coffee, a blend from the countries of Ethiopia, Colombia and Peru. We use Ethiopian coffee from the Bore Dinsera cooperative here. The cooperative has 260 coffee farming families as members and is located at 2,050 meters above sea level. The coffee is naturally grown in forest gardens and carefully processed by the small farmers. For Colombian coffee, we use Sierra Nevada coffee from the Coocafe cooperative, which we visited in person and from which we have been sourcing coffee since 2016, establishing a long-term trading relationship. The Peruvian coffee comes from the Yakumama cooperative, located in the Cajamarca region. This coffee is also grown and processed in an ecological way.

The caffeinated portion is our Sierra Nevada coffee from Colombia.

Gieße heißes Wasser in den Chemex ein.

The Bore Dinsera Cooperative

  • Location: Bore Dinsera, Goma, Limu Region, Ethiopia
  • Geo coordinates: 7°52’11.7″N 36°47’25.7″E
  • Altitude: 2,050 m
  • Coffee farmers: 260
  • Plant: Ethiopian heirloom Arabica
  • Processing: washed
  • Harvest time: October – February

The Coocafe Cooperative

  • Hillside location: Coocafe, Sierra Nevada, Colombia
  • Geo coordinates: 10°58’55.5″N 74°00’34.3″W
  • Altitude: 1,417 m
  • Coffee farmers: 38
  • Plant: Castillo, Caturra, Colombia, Típica (Arabica).
  • Processing: washed
  • Harvest time: October – February

The Yakumama Cooperative

  • Location: Yakumama, Cajamarca, Peru
  • Geo-coordinates: 5°00’17.5 „S 79°05’43.2 „W
  • Altitude: 1,450 m
  • Coffee farmers: 279
  • Plant: Mundo Novo, Caturra, Gran Colombia, Típica (Arabica)
  • Processing: washed
  • Harvest time: October – February

Colombia: The Ecoterra Cooperative

  • Location: Alianza Café, Nariño, Colombia
  • Geo-coordinates: 1°23’41.9 „N 77°09’11.6 „W
  • Altitude: 1,500 to 2,100 m
  • Coffee farmers: 122
  • Plant: Castillo, Caturra, Colombia, Típica (Arabica)
  • Processing: washed
  • Harvest time: October – February

7 customer reviews

Wie immer alles Top

Wie immer alles Top. Von der Bestellung, Lieferung und Qualität des Kaffees

Customer25 November 2023

Hat uns überzeugt!

Wir haben den LowCaf als Alternative zum Decaf probiert und sind begeistert! Wir trinken ihn gerne nachmittags, wenn wir Kaffeedurst haben, aber dann doch zu viel Koffein vermeiden möchten. Klare Empfehlung!

Laura20 May 2023

toller milder Kaffee

toller milder Kaffee - auch im Siebträger schön aromatisch mit weniger Koffein und schönen runden Geschack nicht zu säuer und nicht zu herb ;-)

Customer19 May 2023

Sehr gut

Sehr ausgewogener runder Kaffee. Im Vergleich zum Decaff "blumigerer" Geschmack :)

Fabian27 April 2023

Schmeckt nur nach Röstaromen

Dieser Kaffee hat mich schwer enttäuscht! Er schmeckt für mich nur nach Röstaromen, ich möchte fast sagen verbrannt. Zum Glück hatte vor diesem Kaffee bereits den normalen "Decaf Kaffee" (Kolumbien) von Coffee Circle probiert. Falls der Low Caf Kaffee mein erster entkoffeinierter von Coffee Circle gewesen wäre, hätte ich bei anderen Anbietern weiter nach einem guten entkoffeinierten gesucht.

Ris19 March 2023

Freundlich,schnell und Top.

Customer12 March 2023

Alles perfekt

Alles gut

Customer31 January 2023