Coffee Circle Foundation e.V.: Coffee Vision Fund I now open for submission
Please note: The request for proposal is officially closed and we no longer accept proposals from December 19th, 2023 onwards. We will contact the shortlisted candidates by mid-January 2024. Thank you for your kind understanding and participation.
About Us
Coffee Circle is a coffee roasting company based in Berlin, Germany, aiming to make producers profit more from their coffee and benefit coffee farming communities.
The Coffee Circle Foundation e.V. is the non-profit arm of Coffee Circle and is funded by the company and its community.
Coffee Vision Fund I now open for submission
The Coffee Circle Foundation e.V. is launching Coffee Vision Fund I, a EUR 500,000 initiative to empower coffee communities. The fund is now open for submissions, global participation is encouraged. Focus areas of the fund are WaSH, education, sustainable cultivation, fair supply chains, climate resilience, and advocacy for a more sustainable coffee industry. Please find further information and details about the application requirements below.

New Calls for Proposal to drive global change in coffee communities
We would like to focus this call on proposals that respond to our three main impact strategies:
- People: Improving livelihoods
- Planet: Achieving net positive impact
- Profit: Shaping the market through advocacy and influence
Although we expect most projects to fall under the pillar „People: Improving livelihoods“, we will favor projects that respond to more than one strategy in order to increase our impact.
What we fund
We source quality coffees from Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Main sourcing countries in 2022: 34.8 % from Ethiopia, 19 % from Brazil, 6.8 % from Peru 4.3 % from Indonesia, and others.
Our projects‘ locations are aligned with the origins of our coffee to ensure farmers benefit from our relationship.
We thus favor projects in the following list of origins but are open to considering other coffee-producing areas:
- Ethiopia
- Rwanda
- Kenya
- Peru
- Colombia

Our Cross-Cutting approach
We start where there is a need.
Projects should respond to needs identified by coffee communities through inclusive and participatory processes that are based on local needs and set realistic goals.
We work with the people on the ground.
We would like local communities to be significantly involved, not only in a selection of activities but also in project planning and implementation.
We promote independence.
The project should demonstrate how it promotes ownership at the local level. We favor co-investments from local communities, NGOs, and local and national government institutions to leverage our impact
Measurable goals.
Each project should have realistic, clearly defined goals but also look at long-term impact on the target group and wider society.

Project focus
We have experience in running projects that span farmer support, health, water and sanitation, education, and coffee research.
If you want to find out more about our project. Please have a look here.

Project duration and budget
Our impact strategy stretches to 2026. As we look for projects that can support and build on our 2026 strategy goals, the project timeline should not exceed 3 years and have a minimum budget of € 25,000 a year.
Please indicate in the budget format if the project receives co-investment, even if in-kind.
Selection Process
A decision will be made against established criteria by a committee. The entire process of funding application can take up to 3 months.
The main criteria for selection will be:
- The proposal reflects a shared vision and value with Coffee Circle.
- The proposal demonstrates alignment with the Coffee Circle impact strategy and priorities.
- The proposal indexes a cross-cutting approach to project design and implementation.
- The proposal has a feasible timeline and budget.
- The proposal identifies the project stakeholders and beneficiaries.
Should there be a positive decision on your application, a Memorandum of Understanding will be signed between your organization and the Foundation.
Deadline for Application: December 18th, 2023

Apply now
Please follow the three steps to apply:
- Download the proposal template and the budget template
- Make sure your application contains all the necessary information
- Send your application via email to us
Your proposal should include:
- Context/statement of the problem
- Contribution to the Coffee Circle strategies
- Information about the applicant
- Objectives/ activities/ expected results.
- Ways of measuring impact
- Risk and assumptions
- Budget
Please download our easy-to-fill form and budget sheet to tell us about your project idea and send it to foundation@coffeecircle.com
Download your Application Templates:
Support to interested applicants
We would like to support interested applicants with the necessary information to submit a successful proposal. We will be collecting questions and providing answers online. Please send your questions to foundation@coffeecircle.com.
Coffee Circle’s work focuses on two areas: sourcing impact and impacts through project implementation. This combination allows Coffee Circle to create a value chain that benefits everyone involved.
With every kilogram of coffee sold, customers donate € 1 to the Coffee Circle Foundation. This is invested 100 % directly in the selected project area. Our projects have received additional funding from BMZ (Bengo) and GIZ. Funding was channeled directly to our partners on the ground.
Since its establishment, Coffee Circle has invested 2.5 million euros in projects, and leveraged further funding of over 2 million from other donors into the same projects.
Our goal is for producers to profit more from coffee. We believe that the key to their stable and increased income is high-quality coffee. For this, we are willing to pay high prices that are independent from the world market. The income from the coffee trade contributes in the long term to improving local living conditions.
Yes, the listed geographies are priority areas. However, this call for proposal is open to other countries provided the proposal contributes to the objectives and strategy of Coffee Vision Fund I and demonstrates that there is real lack of investment and resources in the coffee communities of interest.
The minimum budget for each proposal submitted is € 25,000. There is no maximum budget. However, the Coffee Vision Fund I looks to build a diversified portfolio of projects and partners across geographies and therefore will prioritize proposals that do not take up the entire grant fund of € 500,000.
Yes, private companies can apply to the Coffee Vision Fund I, provided they can demonstrate to contribute to the Fund’s strategic Objectives and hold the capacity to manage the grant and execute activities.
Yes, cooperatives can apply to the Coffee Vision Fund I, provided they can demonstrate to contribute to the Fund’s strategic Objectives and hold the capacity to manage the grant and execute activities.
Yes, importing companies can apply to the Coffee Vision Fund I, provided they can demonstrate to contribute to the Fund’s strategic Objectives and hold the capacity to manage the grant and execute activities.
The proposal needs to demonstrate ownership by local communities and stakeholders involved. This ownership is important as it secures long-term sustainability and the capacity to maintain project activities and infrastructure beyond the grant’s timeline. Proposals which also can also demonstrate direct contribution (e.g. cash, in-kind) on behalf of project partners and stakeholders will be highly regarded.
The maximum total word count allowed for each section of the proposal application (e.g. Applicant, Context, Project Overview, Organizational Fit) is specified at top of each section. Every applicant is free to apply the word count how they see fit under each section, provided it does not exceed the maximum word count specified.
Yes, staff salaries are considered eligible costs as long as they are directly related to the activities that the proposal sets forward to implement and deliver. Pls refer to the budget template for further clarification on eligible costs
Yes, transport reimbursement costs are eligible as long as they are deemed essential for the delivery of the activities put forward in the proposal.
The proposal needs to demonstrate strong community-led engagement and ownership. Any organization is eligible to apply as long as the proposal demonstrates a community-centric approach and ownership.