Hand-blown Chemex coffee carafe
The stylish Chemex coffee carafe design executed in hand-blown glass.
- Made of clear and finely processed borosilicate glass
- Especially thick-walled and beautifully formed
- Crafted by hand
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Design meets really good coffee
The hand-blown Chemex is the highest quality version of the popular coffee carafe. Fans of the design classic will be delighted with this version of the beautifully shaped brewer. It is handmade from heat-resistant borosilicate glass and visibly thicker than the regular Chemex. Therefore it is even more solid and fits especially well in the hand. The spout and the upper edges are also much more delicate. In real handicraft noble coffee carafes are created to meet the highest standards.

What is so special about coffee from Chemex?
In addition to the innovative carafe, Chemex has launched a completely new type of paper filter. The filter paper is 20-30 % thicker than conventional filters and has a particularly fine-pored structure. This means that considerably more oils and very small particles are retained during the brewing process. The result is a very clear, nuanced filter coffee, which typically emphasizes the natural sweetness of the coffee. The Chemex allows high-quality coffees to unleash their full taste potential and is ideal for coffee drinkers who prefer a fine and extremely aromatic coffee.

Legendary Design
The unusual design in the form of an hourglass has won many awards and has earned the Chemex a permanent place in the exhibition of the Museum of Modern Art in New York as well as a place in the Top 100 design products of modernity. The German chemist Dr. Peter J. Schlumbohm, who lived in New York at the time, designed the Chemex in 1939 with all his experience in filter techniques and extraction processes. For example, the channel in the upper half of the jug not only makes pouring easier but also allows water vapor from the already filtered coffee to escape past the filter and out of the belly of the Chemex.

Versatile in use
The Chemex is not exclusively for brewing filter coffee. Of course, the long-lasting glass carafe is also suitable for brewing teas, because the special glass does not take on any foreign aromas. In summer it is also possible to brew coffee over ice cubes: In the so-called „Ice Brew“ the water quantity is divided in a ratio of 50:50. One half of the water is put into the carafe as ice cubes, the other half of the water is used to brew the coffee (above the ice cubes). The freshly brewed, hot coffee drips onto the ice and cools down immediately. The result is a particularly mild, aromatic coffee that ensures refreshing coffee enjoyment even on warm summer days.
Overview of technical details
- Scope of supply : Carafe made of heat-resistant borosilicate glass, brown wooden cuff, leather cord
- Filling quantity : 740 ml (25 oz)
- Dimensions (H | Ø) 21.6 | 11.7 cm
- Weight : 760 g
- Cleaning : dishwasher safe, cuff and leather cord can be removed
- Design : Dr. Peter J. Schlumbohm
- Manufacturer : Chemex
- Manufacturer Number : CM-2
- EAN : 0028068001128
Explained in the video: Making really good coffee with the Chemex
7 customer reviews
2. Kanne, zweiter Reinfall
Dies war bereits der 2. Versuch eine besonders hochwertige Kanne von Chemex zu erwerben: die Erste tropfte derart beim Eingiessen, dass ich mich aufgrund des nicht unerheblichen Preises dazu entschloss, die Kanne zu tauschen, was aber aufgrund Lieferprobleme nicht möglich war. Geraume Zeit später wagte och einen neuen Versuch. Auch diese Kanne ging wieder zurück, was aber daran lag, dass mir eine verschmutzte und sogar beschädigte Kanne als neu verkauft wurde. da vorher bereits eine "Standard"-Chemex besass, welche tadellos funktionierte, wird es wohl wieder so eine werden, diese werde ich allerdings wieder im Fachgeschäft kaufen und nicht online bestellen. Den Ärger erspare ich mir fortan...
Sehr hübsch, gutes Geschenk
Eine wunderschöne Art der Kaffee-Zubereitung. Die Karaffe ist formschön und daher ein echtes Schmuckstück im Regal. Es macht einfach Freude mit ihr Kaffee zuzubereiten.
Ich habe schon eine Chemex für 8 Tassen und bin sehr zufrieden damit. Die kleine, mundgeblasene ist sogar noch hochwertiger. Eine lohnende Investition!
Sehr schönes Design, einfach und gut im Handling. Was ich noch lösen muss ist, wie ich den Kaffee heiß behalte. Beim Frühstück ist die zweite Tasse schnell nur noch lauwarm. Ah, ein Stövchen muss her!
Sehr harmonischer Kaffee, unsere Lieblingszubereitung am Wochenende
Schöne Chemex
Tolle Chemex. Hat ein dickeres Glas als die Normale. Habe sie verschenkt. Sieht wertig aus und der Kaffee schmeckt daraus einfach fabelhaft.